Hi, I’m Tammy! And I’m so glad you’re here! 🙂

So, you clicked this page because you are curious about me. To help you understand my reason for this blog, let me ask you. Is there a particular topic you love to talk about? Almost too much? Something you love so much it spills out into every conversation.

You may be an excellent decorator and can walk into a room and know exactly what to do that would transform it into a room fit for a magazine. Or do you have an eye for the perfect hairdo? Or perhaps you have the greenest of green thumbs, and you can’t keep quiet about all you’ve learned on your gardening journey? You get the idea.

Well, that’s me when it comes to homeschooling! It’s a part of my life that I have come to love. So much so that I see a potential homeschooling mom in nearly every mom I run into.

I don’t know about you, but my life looks a little different than I imagined. I always knew I’d be a mom one day, but I never expected to LOVE being a mom. And I most definitely didn’t expect to love being a homeschool mom.

That’s why I’m passionate about it because I’ve learned there’s a secret door to enjoying infinitely more of all the things we love as moms.

secret door to things moms love an my about me page

Who Am I?

I’m Tammy. I am married to my college sweetheart and mom to four amazing and unique kiddos. I never intended to homeschool, but when I was given the opportunity, to my surprise, I found I loved it!

How I Got Here

When I began to homeschool, I didn’t believe I could do it at first. I struggled to find my way. I poured over teaching styles, learning styles, and curricula for more hours than I could count. One thing I knew. I LOVED my children, and that was the truth that led me on.

What I found is that homeschooling is more natural than I realized. It’s human nature to over-complicate things, and this area is no different. Once I let go of my preconceived notions of what I thought homeschooling was, I found a rhythm that worked for our family.

Now I am not saying I have figured everything out. I am not a homeschooling expert or anything of the sort. But I am so in love with my family, and I think that’s how God meant it to be. FAMILY.

There are still days I get turned around. Sometimes I still think to myself, What in the world are you doing, writing a blog about homeschooling? Then I remind myself how much I want other moms to experience what I am experiencing now. The secret door to enjoying infinitely more of all the things we love as moms!

secret door

My family is getting older. We’ve graduated one, another will graduate this year, and the others are right behind. In less than five years, homeschooling will be over for me.

As I look back, I believe with all my heart this is one of the few things in my life I got right. Not perfect. But I know, that I know, that I know, I was right where I was supposed to be; and that was with them. I want you to experience all the joys you can with your children too. So when your family is older, like mine is now, you will know in your heart that you were right where you were meant to be too.

Dear Mama, I know how intimidating homeschooling can be, especially at first. But when the reward is this fantastic, I want to do everything I know to help you not get so overwhelmed that you quit. I would love to be a source of encouragement for you. You CAN do this!

So yes, I’m glad you’re here, and if this sounds like fun, I hope you’ll stick around. I’ll be here sharing tips and tricks I’ve learned living my homeschool life. It may inspire you to create your own homeschool life too. Wouldn’t that be something?!

Here are a few random fun facts about me:

  1. I met my sweetheart in college, and we’ve been together for over 25 years!
  2. We have four amazing and often rowdy, ahem “children” (technically, two of them are adults)
  3. I love quiet mornings and coffee.
  4. I’ve kept a journal my whole life. (I have so many little notebooks it’s not even funny)
  5. When I get stressed, I crave chocolate (or anything yummy really)
  6. My favorite place to be is on my deck facing the trees.
  7. I enjoy nature in almost any form (except for bugs, spiders, snakes, eek!)
  8. I love hummingbirds (they are such great examples of “sharing”)
  9. I enjoy learning new things (currently trying my hand at propagating hydrangeas, so far, so good)
  10. To me, my family equals EVERYTHING!!

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Well, I think that’s enough about me for now, lol. I look forward to sharing more “about me” later and learning more about you in the future.

Oh, wait, one more thing while you’re here. Are you interested in resources to help you on your homeschool journey? I would love it if you subscribed to my email and budding subscriber-only resource library. There you’ll find planning pages, calendars, activity pages, and more. Subscribe Below 🙂

subscribe to resource library

Okay then, I think that’s all for now,

Until next time…

Warm Hugs ~Tammy